Well, other than the obvious. Here is their "platform" for 2009. Although it is absolutely fucking insane on its own, I think the "commendations" are pretty damn hilarious:
We commend:
1. President George W. Bush for his leadership in fighting terrorism and protecting the American people; for articulating his strong commitment to the sanctity of human life; for his uncompromising commitment to tax cuts; for his principled defense of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, for his Social Security reform initiative, and his strong judicial appointments.
2. U. S. Senator Jim Inhofe for his steadfast commitment to military readiness and his support for the cause of freedom around the world and his opposition to the “global warming” scare, and his fiscal conservatism.
3. U.S. Senator Tom Coburn for his dedication to his principles.
4. Congressman John Sullivan for his diligent work on homeland security and securing our borders.
5. Our Republican state legislators for using their increased numbers to enact conservative laws. We congratulate them for winning control of the State House and State Senate.
6. All Tulsa County Republicans who are serving as county and municipal officers and school board members.
7. Our Republican candidates and their families for their financial and personal sacrifice.
8. The Conservative voices in media for keeping Tulsa County citizens informed.
9. Sheriff Stanley Glanz and his staff in their excellent operation of the jail. We also commend his office for pursuing training under section 287(g) of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Responsibility Act, which will authorize them to detain suspects for violation of immigration law, and we urge all other local law enforcement agencies to follow their example.