Why on earth would ANYONE take this moron and give him a job telling us why Israel is correct in invading Gaza? The same guy who said this:
At a McCain campaign rally on October 28 in Columbus, Ohio, Wurzelbacher encountered an elderly Jewish man who told him that "a vote for Obama is a vote for the death to Israel." Wurzelbacher replied, "I'll actually go ahead and agree with you on that one." During a television interview later that day, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith repeatedly asked him to explain his comment with specifics. Wurzelbacher demurred, and suggested that viewers should research the question for themselves. When Smith persisted, he replied, "Listen, you don't want my opinion on foreign policy. I know just enough to probably to be dangerous."He is completely correct, I DON'T want his opinion. And undoubtedly he IS dangerous. This guy is taking his fifteen minutes and running with it more than I thought possible. The growing reverence for him and Sarah Palin is illuminating that great force in America: The uneducated religious zealot. I truly do not understand how anyone can get behind these whack-jobs or listen to anything they have to say. There is a growing portion of America that truly believes education is evil. I just don't get this. At all.
Some more of "Joe's" gems:
Wurzelbacher spoke to Katie Couric of CBS Eveni on October 15, shortly after the conclusion of the final debate. Asked whether Obama's proposed $250,000 tax threshold would affect him, Wurzelbacher replied: "Not right now at presently, but (...) he's going to do that now for people who make $250,000 a year. When's he going to decide that $100,000 is too much? (...) You're on a slippery slope here. You vote on somebody who decides that $250,000 and you're rich? And $100,000 and you're rich? (...) Where does it end?"
The stupidity is mind-boggling!
In an October interview, Wurzelbacher said, "You know a lot of the stuff that our government is doing right now is all about taxation without representation and you know the last time that happened a couple guys got together and threw the Brits out."