Newsweek did an interview with Rushdie recently about the almost 20 year old fatwa.
I actually vividly remember when the fatwa was issued. I also remember when my mother purchased a copy of Satanic Verses and I thought it was probably the scariest thing I had in my house. Granted, I thought the book must have had something to do with "satan" (title) to cause so much fuss.
The first time I read it I was around 13 or so (and completely didn't get it at all). Rereading it as an adult, I still did not understand why the book was so controversial. It's sort of an anomaly that this incredibly gifted author was in fear for his life for simply writing. I also found Midnight's Children excellent, and in some ways more controversial that Verses.
I can't conceive of walking out of your house every day knowing there is a bounty on your head. He is truly one of the most courageous men of our generation.
Sir Salman Rushdie
Monday, January 19, 2009
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6:45 PM
Sir Salman Rushdie