I believe strongly in the right to die. Very strongly. But not when it applies to these facts:
1 - 13 year old child
2 - Hodgkin's lymphoma - 90% CURE (not survival) rate if treated. 5% survival rate if untreated.
3 - Said 13 year old child has a learning disability and does not possess the ability to READ.
4 - The "religion" he is wanting to follow (which does not allow treatment) was founding in the 1990's (yeah, like twenty years ago).
I do believe that if these parents continue to fight treatment against court orders, as they say they will, and this child dies, they should be charged with murder.
How would you reconcile being this kid's PD? I sincerely hope chambers and argument were markedly different.
"Activist Judges"
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Posted by
5:56 PM
It's not a spring loaded shotgun
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
But its awfully fucking close. What the hell?
Gayle and Sheila Muhs gave trespassers a blunt warning. They posted a large sign outside their Texas home saying trespassers would be shot and survivors would be shot again.
They weren't joking.
The Muhs are currently being held on charges of aggravated assault for allegedly firing at least two shotgun blasts at a pair of packed cars that stopped outside their rural Texas house. Those charges are expected to be upgraded to murder, since a 7-year-old boy who was wounded in the assault has died from shotgun pellets to his head and face.
But police said the families in the two cars were driving on a public road when the Muhs opened fire from their house, killing Donald Coffey Jr. and hitting three others, including the boy's 5-year-old sister.
Outside the Muhs' house is a handpainted sign complete with misspelling and exclamation points that warns: "Trespassers Will Be Shot. Survivers Will Be Reshot!! Smile I Will."
Police got a 911 call just after 9 p.m. Thursday, DeFoor said, from Sheila Muhs who "reported there were people in jacked up four-wheel automobiles ... and that she shot them." She also reported that the vehicles were destroying the nearby levees.
But in reality, DeFoor said, the families in the two cars had done nothing illegal. And, he said, they never set foot on the Muhs' property.
Posted by
6:03 PM
The Republican Ideology
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Espoused, once again, by Joe the Plumber. . .
NEW YORK (AP) -- Samuel Wurzelbacher, the Ohio man hailed as "Joe the Plumber" by Republican John McCain's presidential campaign last year, said he believes gays are "queer" and said he won't allow them near his children.
Nevertheless, Wurzelbacher said the decision about whether to allow same-sex couples to marry should be left to states.
"People don't understand the dictionary - it's called queer," Wurzelbacher told Christianity Today in an interview published this week. "Queer means strange and unusual. It's not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do - what man and woman are for."
He added, "I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing."
Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national gay rights organization based in Washington, dismissed Wurzelbacher's comments.
"It would matter if Joe the Plumber mattered," Solmonese said. "One thing among many things we learned in the 2008 campaign is that he doesn't."
Wurzelbacher, regarded as a folk hero to many conservatives after challenging then-Democratic nominee Barack Obama about his tax policies, said neither political party was sufficiently Christian.
"They use God as a punch line," Wurzelbacher said of Republicans. "They use God to invoke sympathy or invoke righteousness, but they don't stay the course."
Wurzelbacher said he considered McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, one of the GOP's emerging stars. But he said the party would have a difficult time recasting its image to appeal to younger voters.
"You got the RNC talking about repackaging principles and values to make them hip and cool to the younger generation," Wurzelbacher said. "You can't repackage them. They are what they are. You can't make what they are."
Since the election, Wurzelbacher has spoken at conservative rallies around the country and traveled to Israel as a rookie reporter to cover the Gaza conflict.
Wurzelbacher told the magazine he might consider running for office someday.
"Not right now," Wurzelbacher said. "God hasn't said, 'Joe, I want you to run.' I feel (it's) more important to just encourage people to get involved, one way or another. If I can inspire some leaders, that would be great."
Posted by
5:53 PM
Dinosaur's on the Ark, explained.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Take this science!
You can get further enlightened, here.3. How did those huge dinosaurs fit on the Ark?
Although there are about 668 names of dinosaurs, there are perhaps only 55 different ‘kinds’ of dinosaurs. Furthermore, not all dinosaurs were huge like the Brachiosaurus, and even those dinosaurs on the Ark were probably ‘teenagers’ or young adults. Indeed, dinosaurs were recently discovered to go through a growth spurt, so God could have brought dinosaurs of the right age to start this spurt as soon as they disembarked.
Creationist researcher John Woodmorappe has calculated that Noah had on board with him representatives from about 8,000 animal genera (including some now-extinct animals), or around 16,000 individual animals. When you realize that horses, zebras, and donkeys are probably descended from the horse-like ‘kind’, Noah did not have to carry two sets of each such animal. Also, dogs, wolves, and coyotes are probably from a single canine ‘kind’, so hundreds of different dogs were not needed.
Posted by
5:52 PM
Why I am not an "Oklahoma Republican"
Monday, April 27, 2009
Well, other than the obvious. Here is their "platform" for 2009. Although it is absolutely fucking insane on its own, I think the "commendations" are pretty damn hilarious:
We commend:
1. President George W. Bush for his leadership in fighting terrorism and protecting the American people; for articulating his strong commitment to the sanctity of human life; for his uncompromising commitment to tax cuts; for his principled defense of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, for his Social Security reform initiative, and his strong judicial appointments.
2. U. S. Senator Jim Inhofe for his steadfast commitment to military readiness and his support for the cause of freedom around the world and his opposition to the “global warming” scare, and his fiscal conservatism.
3. U.S. Senator Tom Coburn for his dedication to his principles.
4. Congressman John Sullivan for his diligent work on homeland security and securing our borders.
5. Our Republican state legislators for using their increased numbers to enact conservative laws. We congratulate them for winning control of the State House and State Senate.
6. All Tulsa County Republicans who are serving as county and municipal officers and school board members.
7. Our Republican candidates and their families for their financial and personal sacrifice.
8. The Conservative voices in media for keeping Tulsa County citizens informed.
9. Sheriff Stanley Glanz and his staff in their excellent operation of the jail. We also commend his office for pursuing training under section 287(g) of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Responsibility Act, which will authorize them to detain suspects for violation of immigration law, and we urge all other local law enforcement agencies to follow their example.
Posted by
11:54 AM
"F0r G0d 50 l0v3d 7h3 w0rld"
Friday, April 10, 2009
Otherwise known as "Christ on a Disk."
The stupid, it hurts me...
formed for the purpose of bringing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ
into the dark reaches of the hacker underground
and exploring the realm where faith and technology intersect.
Posted by
7:03 PM
Oh noes!!! Hte Internetz!! (ps icanhazcheezburger?)
Hey foxnews, you are doing it wrong....again....
Damn kids. Ruining Harry Potter, what will they think of next? Its anarchy!Ever get your MySpace page hacked into? Chances are it was 4chan's fault.
Surfing YouTube and suddenly find yourself watching an old Rick Astley music video? You were "rickrolled" by 4chan.
Enjoy reading Sarah Palin's personal e-mail? She's got 4chan to thank for that.
Hear someone shout out the ending of the latest Harry Potter book while you're in line at Barnes and Noble? 4chan strikes again.
4chan.org is the self-proclaimed Internet home for people who lack a social conscience, a Web site that's become a surreptitious cultural powerhouse.
It's responsible for launching several successful Web-based trends, from the wildly popular "lolcat" phenomenon to the surprise comeback of '80s one-hit wonder Rick Astley.
But what the heck IS 4chan?
Welcome to a new world, filled with terminology and conventions that the average person — or even the average nerd — may not know about.
4chan is a no-frills discussion Web site that features dozens of message boards and "image boards" within six broad categories, stemming from Japanese animation to travel, and given semi-random names ranging from "/a/"' to "/trv/."
That sounds harmless enough, except that within 4chan lurks the "/b/" board, dedicated to "random" images and topics, and its 5.3 million users, known as the "/b/tards."
The /b/ board, or just /b/ to its loyal visitors, is by far the site's most popular. Users fill the board with vile material, from pornographic images to incredibly racist and misogynistic comments.
It thrives on competition and users write "moar" to challenge each other to post further loathsome material throughout the day and long into the night.
What makes 4chan unique among message boards is its reliance on anonymity, a vast difference from most sites, which make users sign up with at least a verifiable e-mail address.
On 4chan, one can post anonymously using a nickname or a "tripcode," a system that uses an algorithm to give users unique coded nicknames.
Anonymously, /b/tards create alliances to plan their next big exploits.
In 2008, they bombarded MTV with votes to clinch Rick Astley the fan-picked "Best Act Ever" award at the MTV Europe Music Awards — which helped Astley get a slot performing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Recurring jokes on 4chan sometimes spread out into the wider Web to become Internet "memes," a pseudo-sociological term for jokey phenomena passed from person to person.
Remember the Hamster Dance and the lonely heart Mahir "I kiss you!" Cagri? Those were two early pre-4chan memes.
Aside from Astley, 4chan's most successful meme has been the "lolcats," photos of cats accompanied by goofy captions written in 4chan dialect, phonetically-spelled words using childlike grammar — for example, a hungry-looking feline with the words "I Can Haz Cheezburger?"
And the 2007 YouTube stardom of Tay Zonday and his song "Chocolate Rain" was due to 4chan users who found his amateurism charming and decided to artificially boost his viewing numbers.
But the antics of the /b/tards also have a dark side far from cute cats. They've been suspected of replacing people's MySpace profile photos with pornographic images. /b/tards have even gathered together to drive past bookstores with megaphones, shouting the ending of new Harry Potter books.
One of the most serious allegations against the /b/tards concerns the invasion of hip-hop Web site SOHH.com in June 2008, where much of the site's content was replaced with racist photos and slurs.
Fellow hip-hop site AllHipHop.com shut down its own forums as the invasion spilled over into them, a stunt that AllHipHop's managers deemed an "unprovoked racist attack" by "cyber terrorists."
Since users are anonymous, it's never proven that /b/tards are the culprits, but online communities often point fingers to 4chan for causing much of the chaos in (and sometimes out) of cyberspace.
/b/tards retaliate by saying that all original Web content stems from something they once posted on 4chan.
As long as users play by 4chan's carefully listed rules, created by the site's founder "moot," they don't get in trouble with the outside world and mainly stay unnoticed.
The rules are few and simple: Invasions of other sites are not tolerated, the SOHH incident notwithstanding, child pornography and illegal material are prohibited and no one under 18 is allowed.
Moot — he insists on the lowercase "m" — is reportedly Christopher Poole, a college dropout in his early 20s who lives in New York with his mother and is looking for more active employment.
Since 4chan is anonymous, it's unclear if Poole is truly his identity and whether it's true that he began 4chan in 2003 while in high school using his mother's credit cards or that he's still deeply in debt as the site continues to lose money.
4chan has been moot's main focus since he was 15 years old, which he began with one "anime/random" board.
Since those early days of 4chan, the boards have grown from something small and slightly elite to a site that moot says is now mainstream.
"4chan ceased to be a 'secret clubhouse' ages ago. We serve over 15 million users per quarter, and are larger than 99 percent of other sites on the Web," moot told FoxNews.com.
Moot says the growth of 4chan has kept things interesting. In just a few months, figures have increased to 450,000 posts a day.
Users tend to push the envelope as far as they can without breaking the site's rules — including a vague "rule" known on /b/ eloquently coined, "Don't mess with football."
That rule was made famous in 2005 when 23-year-old Jake Brahm posted bomb threats to major football stadiums across the country during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on 4chan.
What resulted was a media storm — and what may have began as a practical joke turned into Homeland Security's arrest of Brahm. He was sentenced in June to six months of prison and $26,750 in restitution.
"If you want to post illegal things to 4chan, I would highly discourage it, unless you want to end up in federal prison," moot said at a Web conference.
Another controversy to hit 4chan was the "invasion" of the teen-centric online social site Habbo Hotel. At this online "hotel," users create avatars that walk into various virtual rooms and chat with other users.
In 2006, /b/tards swarmed the site, created avatars of men with Afros and Armani suits and blocked the hotel's swimming pool and shut it down, due to "AIDS in the water." After this incident, moot added "no invasions" to the rules.
The September 2008 hack of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Yahoo e-mail was more muddled.
While some users applauded the /b/ newbie who claimed to have done it, others derided him as an idiot and amateur who would get the entire site in trouble — and quickly discovered his true identity long before the FBI figured it out.
Some see 4chan as a site filled with bored teenagers who like to push the limits on what they can do online. Others see users as part of an "Internet hate machine" filled with calls for domestic terrorists to bomb stadiums.
But it's hard to call someone a terrorist who posts photos of cats with captions in 4chan language every Saturday, or what /b/tards like to refer to as "Caturday."
The "lolcats" — Laugh Out Loud cats — became so popular that one user launched the images on his own blog, icanhazcheezburger.com, a site that has since been acquired for $2 million and spawned at least one book.
But why cats?
"At the end of the day, /b/tards are still human," says moot. "Cute cat pictures appeal to most people."
In an atmosphere where anything goes, the only thing that seems to truly rile a /b/tard is the abuse of a cat.
In February, a user documented abuse to his pet cat, Dusty, as a friend rolled tape. The video surfaced on YouTube and was viewed over 30,000 times.
In a rare 4chan moment, /b/tards created an alliance to do good and tracked down the cat abuser, Kenny Glenn, and alerted police.
Moot believes that 4chan has the ability to grow into something more powerful than a generator of memes.
During the past year, "Project Chanology," created by an amorphous 4chan-associated group calling itself "Anonymous," has become an organized effort against the legal and cultural power of the Church of Scientology.
Anonymous members, often wearing masks depicting the main character in the politically charged comic book and movie "V for Vendetta," protest across the country, claiming the religion endorses Internet censorship.
It all began in January of 2008 after the Church of Scientology tried and failed to purge the Web of a leaked Tom Cruise promotional Scientology video.
What the /b/tards may do next is anyone's guess. As moot says, if he had an idea for the next idea, he certainly wouldn't tell the media.
"4chan, both the site and its memes, has touched the lives of tens of millions of people from around the world, in one way or another, for better or worse,' he says. "I'd say that's culturally powerful."
Posted by
6:55 PM
Why I have a Twitter Account
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Among others... Kevin Spacey!
Posted by
8:30 PM
I don't believe the suicide bit.
"A US study suggests that people with strong religious beliefs appear to want doctors to do everything they can to keep them alive as death approaches. The study, following 345 patients with terminal cancer, found that 'those who regularly prayed were more than three times more likely to receive intensive life-prolonging care than those who relied least on religion.' At first blush, this appears paradoxical; one would think that a strong belief in an afterlife would lead to a more resigned acceptance of death than nonbelievers who view death as the end of existence, the annihilation of consciousness and the self. Perhaps the concept of a Judgment produces death-bed doubts? ('Am I really saved?') Or, given the Judeo-Christian abhorrence of suicide, and the belief that it is God who must ultimately decide when it is 'our time,' is it felt that refusing aggressive life support measures or resuscitation is tantamount to deliberately ending one's life prematurely?"Discuss.
Posted by
8:20 PM
Let the Right One In - Why?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So I LOVE this movie. LOVE it. I saw the original screening version months ago. It is really a fantastic movie and the beauty of it (for me anyway) was how it was completely non-americanized. It literally is a film that could not have been made in America or for a general American audience. So I am really upset to find out that the DVD release of the movie in the states has the WRONG translations. They pretty much "dumbed" down the movie. The craziness of what they have done is just absurd and pointless. It doesn't even make sense why it was changed. I am linking an article that discusses it but it is for people who have already seen the movie (don't read it if you haven't seen it and plan to). Hopefully anyone interested in seeing the movie can see the original screening version and not this new released crap that was re-translated.
Posted by
7:47 AM
105 Practical Ways to Promote Science and Advance Skepticism
What do I do next? Is a really interesting concept and a great way to help the scientific community. Best part - its a free PDF. Thank-you science!
Posted by
7:02 AM
Bill-O does porn
Well....He tries to anyway. I guess this is why he can't get an actual woman to have sex with him. This and the falafal thing... Watch the video it's worth it.
Americans React
Posted by
6:51 AM
Bible Condoms?
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Experts said that either the Pope is suggesting the bible is used like a condom, or he doesn't know what a condom is.
Dr Emma Bradford, of Reading University, said: "I guess you would have to rip out a few pages of Leviticus and then somehow fashion them into a condom-like device using lots and lots of masking tape.
"Or you could shred the pages, soak them in water and construct something that looks a bit like a paper maché cigar tube."
Dr Bradford added: "It has to be one of those two because suggesting that the African Aids epidemic can be contained simply by reading the bible would be criminally insane."
Since his inauguration in 2005 the Pope has continued the Church's strong opposition to condoms by calling for abstinence, supervised heavy petting and whacking it repeatedly with a wooden spoon until it goes all soft again.
Meanwhile the Vatican has issued this year's list of approved non-penetrative carnal techniques including pearl necklaces, light genital branding and something called 'Dutch steamboating'.
Posted by
9:17 AM
Dog Porn is FAIL!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Someone needs to learn how the recycle bin works.....
MARCH 18--Meet Michelle Owen. Concerned that an ex-boyfriend had used her laptop to search for child pornography, the Indiana woman asked police to search the computer for illegal images, but had her plan backfire when cops discovered two videos of her engaged in illicit acts with a dog. Owen, 24, was charged last week with two felony bestiality counts in connection with the video files, which a detective found in the laptop's "recycle bin."
Read more here
Posted by
9:43 AM
Teh Crzy
Saturday, March 14, 2009
BOULDER, Colo. -- A 24-year-old ski lift operator who fatally shot the general manager of the Eldora ski area was determined to kill co-workers who weren't Christian, according to court records obtained Thursday. The documents, filed Wednesday in Boulder District Court, said witnesses told authorities that Derik Bonestroo walked into a building at work, fired a gun into the ceiling and said: "If you're not Christian, you're going to die." General manager Brian Mahon was shot and killed at the ski area west of Nederland, Colo., in Boulder County.Witnesses said when Bonestroo asked Mahon's religion, Mahon said "Catholic" and Bonestroo shot him twice: in the chest and head. Mahon is believed to have died instantly. Other employees ran out the back door of the ski employee's meeting area and fled into the woods, describing an additional four to five shots being fired.
Posted by
8:23 PM
A Serious Weedz Debate
"Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man."
Last week, San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano bravely introduced reasoned, serious legislation about confronting, revising, and ultimately turning California’s oppressive marijuana laws to our benefit. In these trying economic times, it just makes sense. That’s why I’m throwing my full support behind Assemblyman Ammiano, and in fact, to honor his brave act, I’m going to take ten massive bong rips before continuing to write this.There. The deed is done.
And before all you conservative naysayers start accusing me of “devilry,” allow me to prove without a doubt that the legalization of marijuana sales will actually decrease crime and overall drug use. This assumption is based on three basic arguments.
1. Legalizing marijuana will put drug cartels out of business
Every year, hundreds of people are maimed and killed and millions of dollars are lost to brutal and organized illegal drug traffickers. By legalizing and intelligently regulating marijuana consumption we can make it so that this doesn’t happen because all those people who did that now have no jobs. Also there will be less people in our jails. My word is it hot here. It’s like the room temperature just jumped 20 degrees. Let’s see, where was I … Ah yes.
2. Legalizing marijuana will put drug cartels out of business
No more laced weed! Poople who sell drugs often put lace in the drugs and that is bad. With legal weed, the government (Uncle Sam) will only put in the best ingredients by hand, and therefore no one will be addicted, except to America, and that is okay. I’m going to take my shirt off now.
4. Did you know Jesus smoked weed? It’s in the Bible.
20. Smoke weed every day, nigga!
Whoopty whoop nigga what?
Dre n’ snoop chronic’ed out
In the ‘llac with doc in the back
Sippin’ ‘gnac, clip in the strap1 Legolizing marijuana will put dog hotels outta bidniss.
Bidniss. Bidniss. BID-niss. bidniss.
Oh my God did it type what I said? This is really weird. Jesus, it’s typing all of this!
Oh, my God, my hands are doing it! This is so weird. It’s like they’re turning my thoughts into written words. They are the vehicle. They are the viaduct. They are the truth and the way. Aaaaaaaaaaaah (angels come down).
This is my hands. Hello. I am hands.
“MY HANDS” are huge.
In the old days, they used “f” for “s.” Okay, that’s
What? POkay, I have to go lie down. /cetner>
If anyone has a quesadilla, please leave it in the commentf fection.
Posted by
10:01 AM
Arkansas! They really make this too easy...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
JONESBORO, Ark. (AP) -- When a fisherman reels in a high-caliber catch, should he take up hunting? Two Arkansas fishermen will have to answer that question after one of them hooked a shotgun while angling on a lake in northeast Arkansas.
Devin Sullivan and his stepfather were fishing on Craighead Forest Lake when Sullivan started to reel in what he thought was a turtle, only to find a Remington 870 shotgun snagged on the end of the line.
The two men took the shotgun to a Jonesboro police station, where the gun has been taken as evidence, Detective Sgt. Todd Nelson told Jonesboro television station KAIT. Its serial number will be checked to see if it has been reported stolen or involved in any crimes.
Nelson offered a lighthearted observation, saying it may have been thrown into the lake by "somebody that's mad at a spouse about hunting too much."
First, i'm glad the police in Arkansas take this so seriously. I mean the gun "probably" wasn't used to kill anyone, right? There is always room for police humor in murder cases....
Second, so if it was used for hunting the fishermen are going to take up hunting. If it was used for a murder are they going to take up killing? Logic. Use it.
Posted by
3:26 PM
WoW > Crack
First, I obviously don't understand addiction. I guess maybe you can be addicted to anything? I dunno, this whole thing is a bit crazy to me. And second, if you let your 15 year-old child play a computer game until they DIE, you are probably not the greatest parent.World Of Warcraft 'more addictive than crack cocaine' as teenager suffers convulsions after 24-hour-long game
An internet computer game has been condemned as being as addictive as cocaine after a teenager who played it 24 hours non-stop had convulsions.
World of Warcraft has been hugely successful in capturing the imagination of players by drawing them into a virtual universe of battles and quests.
However, it is at the centre of a growing problem of computer game addiction.
Highly addictive: World of Warcraft has been described by experts as the crack cocaine of the gaming world
Many players will sit alone in their rooms for hours at a time, immersed in the lives of their fantasy character creations - or Avatars.
Some 11milion around the globe play World of Warcraft - making it the world's most successful 'MMORPG' - massively multi-player online role-playing game.
However, a report from Sweden's Youth Care Foundation describes it as 'the most dangerous game on the market'.
The report's author Sven Rollenhagen said: 'There is not a single case of game addiction that we have worked with in which World of Warcraft has not played a part.
'It is the crack cocaine of the computer game world. Some will play it till they drop.'
The Swedish National Institute of Public Health has backed the report, adding: 'Computer game addiction is becoming more widespread across the world.'
The warning comes after a Swedish boy of 15 collapsed after playing it for for 24 hours earlier this month.
Hospital doctors diagnosed an epileptic-type seizure brought on by sleep deprivation, lack of food, and too long a stretch of concentrated game playing. He has made a full recovery.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than one to two hours per day of 'screen time'.
Psychiatrist Dr Richard Graham of London's Tavistock Centre said: 'Some of my clients will discuss playing games for 14, 16 hours a day at times, without breaks and without attending to their physical needs.
'For those, the consequences are potentially severe.
'Such prolonged gaming can produce a sort of socially withdrawn figure who may be connecting with people in the game, but is largely dropping out of education and other social opportunities.'
Off to play WoW now. ;-)
Posted by
6:07 PM
Why Jesus would love to spank us:
Because he loves us! Well, that's what John Piper douchebag, oh I mean Pastor, of some mega church says. Actually, what he says is that you should spank your own children 'cause that's what jesus would do. For example:
The very word "spank" exists because there is such a thing as a loving way to whop a child on his behind or his chunky thigh.If god did not want us to spank our children, they wouldn't have such deliciously chunky little bottom's. He also says, "Spanking is so clean! It's so quick! It's so relieving!" Which doesn't make sense to me on many levels. (1) what the hell does "clean" have to do with anything?!?! (2) yes, most forms of child abuse are quick - cause they are done out of anger. And (3) who the fuck is relieved?!? That is so messed up. You are relieved because you hit your kid? Or the kid is relieved that your tirade is now over?
He has some biblical shit in there about how god makes us suffer because he loves us and therefore you should make your children suffer, if you love them. SO bottom line (hehe) is that you must hit your children if you love them! In the name of god!
Posted by
5:53 PM
Arkansas Update
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Who knew?
Posted by
5:53 PM
"Everyone should be abstinent or whatever, but it's not realistic at all."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What I completely don't understand in this whole "debate" is how conservative "abstinence only" people miss that this isn't about the baby at all (well...theoretically. But that's a whole 'nother discussion): It's about a ruined life - the mother's. There is no question that a child born into Sarah Palin's family will be "alright." To me that's not the issue. Bristol actually explains it pretty perfectly:
"I wish it would happen in like 10 years, so I could have a job and an education and be, like, prepared, and have my own house and stuff. But he brings so much joy. I don't regret it at all. I just wish it would have happened in 10 years rather than right now."Of course not many people "regret" their children. Whether they are children themselves or not. What they will "regret" and mourn, forever, is the death of their potential. If we take away the power for girls to protect themselves from having their future's destroyed, isn't our whole society to follow?
Should Bristol have kids? Sure, why not? Should she have them now? Probably not. Does SHE have the right to decide whether or not to have/keep the baby? Of course she does (for now anyway). Just like she had the choice to use protection in the first place, but for whatever reason (gee I can't imagine...) she was too afraid to go that route. So here sits a girl, not a woman, who is going to do her best to stumble through the rest of her life and stumble through motherhood. Wouldn't everyone have been better off if she had waited 10 years?
Posted by
9:01 PM
Arkansas Update - Bring your guns to church!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So in the always entertaining on-going series about how much I enjoy Arkansas, today's update:
They passed a law allowing guns in church.
The bill, which passed on a 57-42 vote and now heads to the Senate, removes churches and other houses of worship from the list of places where concealed handguns are banned. Currently, the only private entities where concealed weapons are banned are churches and bars.
So now the only place in Arkansas that you can't take your gun is to a bar. 'Cause if you are going to go on a murderous rampage and shoot innocent civilians, you're really gonna think twice if the law says not to bring your gunz.

Posted by
6:02 PM
Skittles & Vodka
At first thought, this is AWESOME. And once you think about it a little more, it becomes even more awesome. No really. Think about it. That's what I thought. Now, I don't see myself actually making this stuff, but I would love it if someone wanted to volunteer. In the name of science!!!!
Posted by
2:25 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I really want to get this shirt:
But I don't want to support this organization. Hmmmm..... Choices.... Like the choice to think this is the funniest damn thing I have seen in a while. And if you read their logic on this it's even greater.
Posted by
8:23 PM
Who is scarier: Cheney or "the terrorists"?
What I don't understand is why this guy is still given a platform to spew this crap. He gave a lovely interview the other day to Politico. And by lovely of course I mean crazy. Here is just a bit:
“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.I worry when political figures decide when and how the constitution applies. I also worry about a person who can even think things like this. Of course we can analyze this quote and all the reason's this makes absolutely no sense, but the bottom line is that he is still out there saying things like this, and there are still people who AGREE with this.
Crazy old man is crazy.
Posted by
8:26 AM
Yes ANOTHER reason I don't like Warren
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Evangelical's and the hatefulness they spout is bad enough; when it get's presidential approval it's absurd. A new article discusses the view of Evangelical's (and Saddleback) with regards to spousal abuse.
What is a good enough reason for divorce? Well, according to Rick Warren’s Saddleback church, divorce is only permitted in cases of adultery or abandonment -- as these are the only cases permitted in the Bible -- and never for abuse.So if your husband screws another woman or leaves you for another woman, you are allowed to divorce him. If he beats you into unconsciousness, that's not good enough. You should apparently just try to "work it out." I sincerely wonder what they believe with regard to child abuse. Maybe its ok if he hits a daughter but not a son? Or I guess they believe you can beat your children no matter what.
I guess when you are uneducated, working for minimum wage to support 5 kids 'cause you don't believe in birth control (or wait, isn't it 18 now?), and you're wife doesn't work because "her place" is in the home, the only source of joy in your life would be smacking the shit out of your wife. >sigh<
Posted by
4:52 PM
Roe v. Wade Statement
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The White House has just released a statement from Obama on Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion 36 years ago today.
Here it is:
Statement of President Obama on the 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we are reminded that this decision not only protects women's health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman's right to choose.
While this is a sensitive and often divisive issue, no matter what our views, we are united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce the need for abortion, and support women and families in the choices they make. To accomplish these goals, we must work to find common ground to expand access to affordable contraception, accurate health information, and preventative services.
On this anniversary, we must also recommit ourselves more broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights and opportunities as our sons: the chance to attain a world-class education; to have fulfilling careers in any industry; to be treated fairly and paid equally for their work; and to have no limits on their dreams. That is what I want for women everywhere.
Nicely Done.
Posted by
6:42 PM
ZOMG! Free abortions starting tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Apparently, Obama is personally paying for everyone to get an abortion tomorrow.
Posted by
7:43 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
I have decided that I will post any articles I find about Arkansas. It will be a fun experiment. Here's the first one:
Arkansas Pastor Accused of Sexual AssaultWell at least he apologized! That's the important part. Plus i'm sure this is just an isolated incident...
Leroy Spears Jr., 56, was arrested after the 17-year-old told police Spears called her into his study Dec. 30 at Union Baptist Church, locked the door and tried to kiss her. Police said the girl also reported that Spears grabbed her breast and tried to put his hand down her pants.
The girl said she was able to send a text message to a friend, telling her to come to the room, and Spears walked away and unlocked the door. The girl told police Spears later came to her house at her mother's request and he apologized.
A judge Friday set a $2,500 bond for Spears and ordered him to have no contact with the teenager. Spears posted bond and was released.
Posted by
7:03 PM
Sir Salman Rushdie
Newsweek did an interview with Rushdie recently about the almost 20 year old fatwa.
I actually vividly remember when the fatwa was issued. I also remember when my mother purchased a copy of Satanic Verses and I thought it was probably the scariest thing I had in my house. Granted, I thought the book must have had something to do with "satan" (title) to cause so much fuss.
The first time I read it I was around 13 or so (and completely didn't get it at all). Rereading it as an adult, I still did not understand why the book was so controversial. It's sort of an anomaly that this incredibly gifted author was in fear for his life for simply writing. I also found Midnight's Children excellent, and in some ways more controversial that Verses.
I can't conceive of walking out of your house every day knowing there is a bounty on your head. He is truly one of the most courageous men of our generation.
Posted by
6:45 PM
Maybe this is why Israel doesn't want reporters in Gaza?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Claims have been received by the BBC and an Israeli human rights group that Israeli troops have fired on Gaza residents trying to escape the conflict area. Israel has strongly denied the allegations.
BBC journalists in Gaza and Israel have compiled detailed accounts of the claims.
Some Palestinian civilians in Gaza say Israeli forces shot at them as they tried to leave their homes - in some cases bearing white flags.
Posted by
11:34 AM
Remember the fourth amendment? Anyone?
Apparently the majority doesn't.... Not only does this significantly weaken the exclusionary rule to a point almost laughable, it leaves open debate for "probable cause"? What just happened here?
Oops. I accidentally THOUGHT there was a warrant against you. My bad!
Posted by
6:00 PM
President-Elect Obama Asked to Turn Down Boy Scouts of America
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Thank god! Oh...wait...err...
I support this.
Posted by
8:16 PM
Ummm...Trauma much?
Friday, January 9, 2009
My brain does not understand this....Why do I read news?
So...you get raped and then 5 months later your mother and brother tie you up, drag you to a barn, cut through your stomach and remove the "unwanted" pregnancy without anesthesia or pain medication, then they TIE YOU BACK TOGETHER and wait three or four days before taking you to the hospital - all to protect your family's "honor". Yeah...this is WAY more honorable.Family of Afghan rape victim cut her open and removed foetus without anaesthetic
The mother and brother of a 14-year-old Afghan rape victim face charges after they cut her open and removed her foetus without anaesthetic, it has been reported.
By Ben Farmer in Kabul
Last Updated: 8:49PM GMT 08 Jan 2009The girl is critically ill in hospital after her family sewn the girl up themselves and said she had been bitten by a dog to cover their crime.
A man accused of raping the girl, from the central Afghan province of Bamiyan, is under arrest.
The rural family apparently decided to perform an abortion when the girl was five months pregnant to protect the family's honour.
Rape victims face extreme social stigma, imprisonment and abandonment or murder by their own families in Afghanistan.
Dr Ghulam Mohammad Nader, head of Bamiyan hospital, told the BBC that the girl had been able to explain what had happened but was in a critical condition with infected wounds. She is now being treated in the capital Kabul.
"The girl stayed at home for three or four days in her condition until her father took her to hospital," he said.
"He said a dog had bitten her so that people in the area wouldn't know what had really happened."
Habiba Sarabi, governor of the province, said the girl had been bound and taken to a stables for the abortion. Police are now trying to arrest her family.
Posted by
11:39 AM
Oppose Gupta for S.G.
Everyone can take 2 minutes and write an e-mail opposing this guy for Surgeon General. He is simply not qualified for this position and this is a political move strictly to gain recognition. I believe the foundation of this Administration should be to appoint the most qualified person for the job.
Oppose Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General
Posted by Bryan BuchanBy Quentin D. Young, M.D. | Physicians for a National Health Program
The report this week that President-elect Obama is considering Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, for the position of U.S. surgeon general is deeply troubling.
Among our concerns are these:
1. He has very little background in public health, preventive medicine or administration.
2. He has openly opposed progressive health reform, going so far as to cite false information to denigrate single payer (e.g. in his error-laden attack on Michael Moore’s film “Sicko”) and parroting the health insurance lobby’s distortions of single payer.
3. As a media figure, he has been disturbingly cozy with Big Pharma. He co-hosts Turner Private Networks’ monthly show “Accent Health,” which airs in doctors’ offices around the country and which serves as a major conduit for targeted ads from the drug companies. Another example: In 2003, despite mounting evidence to the contrary, he publicly downplayed concerns about the dangers of Vioxx. It was removed from the market a year later by its manufacturer, Merck.
4. In the 2008 election campaign, his reporting on John McCain’s health proposals was misleading and implicitly positive, giving undeserved credence to McCain’s claims that buying private health insurance on the open market is a financially viable option for most Americans.
We urge you to write to President-elect Obama and express your opposition to Gupta’s possible nomination, and to urge Obama to nominate a more acceptable candidate for this critically important post. You can do so by clicking here: http://change.gov/page/s/healthcare.
Sincerely yours,
Quentin D. Young, M.D.
National CoordinatorPhysicians for a National Health Program
29 E Madison Suite 602, Chicago, IL 60602
Phone (312) 782-6006 | Fax: (312) 782-6007
www.pnhp.org | info@pnhp.org
Posted by
11:29 AM
"Israel wants to see no harm to the children of Gaza"
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Really? Then why have 257 children in Gaza been killed already by Israel?
Posted by
4:02 PM
Joe the Plumber - Dumber than Palin?
Why on earth would ANYONE take this moron and give him a job telling us why Israel is correct in invading Gaza? The same guy who said this:
At a McCain campaign rally on October 28 in Columbus, Ohio, Wurzelbacher encountered an elderly Jewish man who told him that "a vote for Obama is a vote for the death to Israel." Wurzelbacher replied, "I'll actually go ahead and agree with you on that one." During a television interview later that day, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith repeatedly asked him to explain his comment with specifics. Wurzelbacher demurred, and suggested that viewers should research the question for themselves. When Smith persisted, he replied, "Listen, you don't want my opinion on foreign policy. I know just enough to probably to be dangerous."He is completely correct, I DON'T want his opinion. And undoubtedly he IS dangerous. This guy is taking his fifteen minutes and running with it more than I thought possible. The growing reverence for him and Sarah Palin is illuminating that great force in America: The uneducated religious zealot. I truly do not understand how anyone can get behind these whack-jobs or listen to anything they have to say. There is a growing portion of America that truly believes education is evil. I just don't get this. At all.
Some more of "Joe's" gems:
Wurzelbacher spoke to Katie Couric of CBS Eveni on October 15, shortly after the conclusion of the final debate. Asked whether Obama's proposed $250,000 tax threshold would affect him, Wurzelbacher replied: "Not right now at presently, but (...) he's going to do that now for people who make $250,000 a year. When's he going to decide that $100,000 is too much? (...) You're on a slippery slope here. You vote on somebody who decides that $250,000 and you're rich? And $100,000 and you're rich? (...) Where does it end?"
The stupidity is mind-boggling!
In an October interview, Wurzelbacher said, "You know a lot of the stuff that our government is doing right now is all about taxation without representation and you know the last time that happened a couple guys got together and threw the Brits out."
Posted by
3:35 PM
Remembering Free Speech
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
On this day in 1964 the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in NY Times v. Sullivan; setting the groundwork for modern political speech to even be possible and helping end segregation.
You can listen to the oral arguments here.
Posted by
10:52 AM
Time-out Mister!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Watch out for the four-year-old's these days:
Maybe the four-year-old wasn't charged, but what about his parents?JACKSON, Ohio (AP) -- Police say an angry 4-year-old Ohio boy grabbed a gun from a closet and shot his baby sitter. Nathan Beavers, 18, was hospitalized Sunday with minor wounds to his arm and side after the shotgun attack. Police say another teen was also injured.
Witnesses told police the child was angry because Beavers accidentally stepped on his foot. Beavers was watching the child at a mobile home in Jackson with several other teenagers and several other children.
Jackson County Sheriff John Shashteen says authorities are investigating. The child has not been charged.
Posted by
6:30 PM
Why this story is interesting to me
Friday, January 2, 2009
Wait, what? Released to whom? The same "parents" who apparently failed to do anything for the past two weeks when her life was "spiraling out of control?" The "parents" who let their 17 year old daughter go out and get drunk WITH A CAR on new year's eve? Those parents? Fantastic. Maybe next time she wants to make a "call for help" she should maybe try someone who gives a fuck?'Hello 911? I'm driving drunk'
Associated Press WriterBISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Police get calls about drunken drivers all the time, but rarely do they come from the alleged offender. A 17-year-old girl in Bismarck called 911 on New Year's Eve "to report herself driving under the influence," police Lt. Randy Ziegler said. "I've never heard of such a thing happening, and neither has anyone here."
The girl told authorities her location shortly before midnight Wednesday and officers found her in a parked car near downtown, Ziegler said. She failed a sobriety test and was arrested for failing to have control of her vehicle while intoxicated.
The girl, whose name was not released because of her age, was not cited for drunken driving, Ziegler said.
"Her keys were in her purse and she was parked," Ziegler said. "She did tell us that she had been driving around for hours."
The call probably was a plea for help, he said.
"She told us her life was spiraling out of control, and she had spent the majority of time drinking over the past two weeks," Ziegler said.
The girl was released to her parents Thursday.
Posted by
4:08 PM