Or, that's what the people who created this drivel think:Here is some of chapter 5 "Shopping!":
Nice, start with a penis joke. Ha ha. And totally shopping for shoes makes everything better!
When it comes to technology (or anything, really), men and women rarely think alike. Men are obsessed with acronyms and the size of their hard drives. Women just want to get things done. And if they can get it done while shopping for a cute pair of shoes, even better.
How to Be a Geek Goddess shows you how to sort out technology decisions (and find those cute shoes online) without ever having to ask a man. Whether you're buying a computer, shopping for a cell phone, trapped in the electronics aisle, or simply lost on the Internet, author Christina Tynan-Wood explains it all with wit, intelligence, and a minimum of geeky acronyms.Without asking a man?!?!? Oh shit! I'm "lost on the Internet!" where's a man??!?!oneone!!1
Because finding a computer to fit my "decor" is one of the key components of computer purchasing! And I am not very "confident" "surfing the web" so hopefully this book will tell me how to TYPE SHIT INTO A SEARCH ENGINE. It will also show me how the internetz will help me manage my finances (thank god i've got a husband to do that for me! I barely know how to work a pencil!).You'll learn how to:
- Buy the right computer for your needs, your decor, and your budget
- Surf the Web with confidence, organize your life, and manage your finances
- Master your email inbox, cell phone, and instant messaging
- Keep yourself and your kids safe from spyware, viruses, and online scam artists
- Reconnect with friends, grow your professional network, or find that special someone online
How to Be a Geek Goddess will show you how to join the Web conversation, start your own blog, and maybe even teach your friends a thing or two. Think of it as the tech-savvy girlfriend you wish you had on speed dial.
I'm glad they threw in the "fine that special someone online" part....I really want my cute new computerz that matches my decor to help me find a man who can really show me how to work it! AND it will help me join the "Web conversation!" WTF is a web conversation? Really?
Did no one actually consider how offensive this is? I guess i'm just lucky I can figure out how to make these button thingy's spell out words. Well, off to the kitchen!